Community Guidelines
Hundreds of millions of users are sharing their life experiences on the Xiaohongshu platform in a way that’s genuine and friendly, neutral and objective. We value this authentic, positive and diversified community vibe, and we are committed to working together with our community to maintain a welcoming environment for our users. In addition to complying with local laws and regulations and accounting for local cultural norms, Xiaohongshu’s Community Guidelines set out a code of conduct for our users to guide them in keeping the platform an authentic and safe space with friendly engagement.
Only share original content based on real experiences
The Xiaohongshu community is built on trust, rooted in authentic sharing. Please ensure that materials shared on Xiaohongshu come from your own experience or creation, and you have the right to use them. At the same time, please ensure the content shared is genuine and based on your real experience. If you need to reprint any content, please secure permission and indicate the source. Disclose sponsorships and/or promoted content and declare conflicts of interest Xiaohongshu users make consumption choices based on content shared in the community, and transparency is crucial to this decision-making process. Please protect our users’ right to know. Disclosure of sponsorships and/or promoted content generally does not affect your reputation. We have observed that as long as your content is genuine and sincere, creators who proactively make such disclosures are likely to get positive feedback from fans. Please also ensure your sharing remains objective and neutral.
Please avoid flaunting your wealth
Wealth is hard-won and still remains out of reach for a large proportion of people. If you are relatively wealthier, please be empathetic and take into account the feelings of others when sharing your content. Please avoid wastage, and respect laborers/service providers. Because Xiaohongshu has a lot of content on purchasing processes and consumption decisions, a good way to judge whether your content flouts guidelines is to determine “whether this is useful content“.
Share scientifically-proven content
Scientifically-proven concepts can be verified and falsified, becoming a dependent indicator of regular patterns and predictor of trends. However, falsehoods and misinformation could still exist in areas such as health advice and commercially-driven promotions. If you are sharing content in these subject areas, please make sure that your content is scientifically-proven. Please avoid over-retouching, especially when it comes to recommendations in beauty and makeup, outfit photos, shop visits and more We strive to keep the content on Xiaohongshu genuine and diversified, and in turn the platform has become widely trusted for recommendations and reviews. Everyone has an eye for beauty, so posts can be edited to look better, but they should not be misleading as users could refer to them at any time for making consumer decisions. Nudity and sexually explicit content are not allowed Xiaohongshu is a safe space for sharing and interacting. We prohibit nudity and any sexually explicit content. If your sharing is for educational and medical purposes, or promotes public interests such as gender equality, please strictly abide by ethical norms and avoid any implicit sexual associations. Users who post content in relevant subject areas have to weigh whether it is appropriate to discuss sex-related topics.
Impersonation is not allowed
Because we are committed to encouraging ordinary users to participate in sharing, at Xiaohongshu we do not protect specific names and we allow for duplicate names. However, impersonation is not allowed. Do not abuse your influence to publish accusations or inflammatory remarks You are considered to have a certain amount of public influence if you have a certain number of fans on Xiaohongshu. Please do not abuse this influence. If you believe that you have been unfairly treated by other members in the community or your rights have been infringed on, please submit your complaint through official channels or seek legal help.
Please avoid clickbait tactics
Please share content that matches the title of your posts. Clickbait titles are misleading and we will moderate such information. Creators should focus on gaining followers and fans through authentic sharing instead.
Do not recklessly give out health and investment-related advice
Medical information and investment-related advice should be given out by professionals. Users without relevant qualifications should avoid sharing such content. If your content involves health and investment-related topics, please make sure there is a prominent disclaimer stating “the content does not constitute medical/investment advice”.
Please respect the rights of others
If your sharing involves other people, please make sure it is voluntary and that you respect their privacy, image rights, and other copyrights. If your sharing involves a deceased person, please consider the dignity and privacy of the person and family involved. If your sharing involves minors, please give greater consideration to protecting their privacy and personal information; as parents, please do not share nude images of your children. If your sharing involves disadvantaged groups, please have empathy and safeguard their dignity.
2. Interactions
Please respect other users and the content they share
Within a community, it is a prerequisite to have respect for others. Please make sure your interactions with other community members are polite and pleasant. There is no excuse for being rude to others.
Please encourage ordinary users to share and interact
The Xiaohongshu community is still growing and many more new users from various backgrounds are joining us. Even if they might be very different from the professional creators you’re used to seeing on Xiaohongshu currently, it’s important to be accepting of a diverse range of views and encourage these users to share their content and interact with the community.
Please be generous with your likes and follows
At Xiaohongshu, we encourage everyone to show your appreciation for content creators, especially when the content is useful for you.
Do thank the creators who have provided useful information
Content sharing requires a lot of time and effort, and so does responding to individual inquiries. Do take some time to thank the creators who have provided useful information to you through their posts or those who have taken the effort to respond to you.
Please do not assume hidden motives
It’s hard to prove hidden motives so it’s not helpful if you arrive at hasty conclusions about someone’s motivations for sharing certain content. If you do not agree with the other person’s content, please refute it with facts and a logical argument.
Please put yourself in others’ shoes and ensure friendly interactions
Xiaohongshu is a very diverse community and interactions happen frequently between people of different backgrounds, which means opinions could vary vastly when it comes to sharing experiences. It is important to be accepting of diversity and to put yourself in others’ shoes instead of making premature judgments about the content that others share.
Please only discuss the content shared and avoid making comments on people’s appearances, body image, age etc.
We strive to create a positive and welcoming environment within Xiaohongshu. Please center your discussions on the content itself and avoid making comments on the creator’s age or physical appearance. Of course, we do encourage people to share body positive comments in relevant settings. Please proactively report any content that you believe violates our Community Guidelines If any content makes you feel uncomfortable or offended, or if you suspect the content could be fake, or might have a negative impact on minors, please use the in-app reporting tools to report these to us.
Last updated: January 20, 2024